06 October 2008

[Entry 007] House MD, S5E3: Adverse Events

This post will contain spoilers about the recently aired episode of House, S5E3: Adverse Events. Do not continue if you have not seen the episode and do not want to be spoiled.

I have been so busy this week, I forgot to do a post for this week's episode of House! I feel like a dweeb doing one now, but the next episode is not until next Tuesday, so it is not like I will be doing another one of these any time soon.

Anyway, I liked this episode, overall, but there were parts that I did not like.

1. There was no pining. House was having happy fun times with Lucas, and there was no mention of Wilson at all. I realise the man is probably trying to just enjoy himself while he can, but still. I am expected some sort of emotional angst, even if it has been a few... weeks (?) since Wilson left.

2. That photograph of House as a cheerleader, even though it was apparently supposed to be real, was awful. Come on, graphics team, you can do better than that.

3. Taub doing a total 180 and deciding that he would tell his wife about his affair. The whole episode he not telling her, not telling her, not telling her, and then the patient tells his girlfriend that he was doing drug trials for money and Taub decides he is going to tell? Drug trials =/= Cheating on your wife. Just because some guy's girlfriend forgave him for the former, does mean your wife is going to forgive your for the latter, Taub. Am interested in seeing how that all works out, though.

Which brings me onto things that I liked!

1. Taub's wife is so cute. She is all blonde and happy and adorable, and I quite enjoy her.

2. Lucas/Cuddy. They are also adorable. Lucas is an awkward geek face, and Cuddy totally likes it. I do not want Lucas to leave any time soon, haha. I want him to stick around, just for those interactions.

3. The paintings the POTW did. The messed up ones, not his actual paintings. If somebody painted a messed up looking picture of me like that, I would be so thrilled.

4. The fact that they are actually relating the patients to the main characters again! Comparing Taub and the POTW with their domestic lying troubles. That has always been one of my favourite things that they do on House, so I will be very glad if it continues in this season. I saw it in the first two episodes, so they are doing an ace job.

5. Lucas and House playing music together. Things are not exactly happy, but they were having fun! Also, it just sounded very nice, I need to get an MP3 of their playings.

Things I am looking forward to next episode:

-Road trip! I have been waiting for the rumoured road trip since S4 was still going, so I am super excited! Even considering the circumstances surrounding the road trip, and the fact that House and Wilson still have yet to make up, I am very, very excited.

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