14 September 2008

[Entry 004] House Season 5 Speculation (Spoilers)

This post may contain spoilers for the upcoming season of House. If you want to avoid them, do not read.

It is the Sunday before season five of House starts up, and I must say that I both excited and anxious. Obviously, there is that ever present excitement surrounding new episodes, especially since we have all been waiting all summer for them, but on the other hand, it is going to be so angsty.

House and Wilson are going to be alright in the end, we know that. Numerous cast members have said that the 'lovers are reunited', so I do not think anyone needs to worry about them ceasing to be friends. It is the down time before their friendship is rekindled that has a lot of people worried. How long are they going to be separated? What is going to 'reunite' them? There is apparently going to be a road trip, what is that all about?

Some people have speculated that one of House's parents may have died, that being the reason for the road trip, and while that is highly likely, I think it would be a bit much to follow up one death with another. It happens all the time, I am sure, but we need some reprieve from all the angst. We need to get House and Wilson back to normal, so that we can have House get back into some of the patterns that made people love it in the first place. Annoying clinic patients and all.

Adding to all the chaos, House is going to hire a private investigator to keep an eye on Wilson, and to look into his patients. Michael Weston is a talented man, and I am excited to see him at work, and to see where this character is (or is not) going to go. Weston is signed on for multiple episodes, and there are rumours of a spinoff, so I hope the character is one I want to see stick around.

Above everything else, I think I want to know what is going to become of all the House/Cuddy rumours. Katie Jacobs has said 'there's potential for House and Cuddy' in the past, but is there really? In my opinon, their ship sailed a long time ago, and they are not going to ever have an actual relationship, but I may be wrong. If they do delve into that territory, I can only hope that the characters are not completely ruined. Cuddy needs to start earning back some of that respect we see from House in earlier seasons, and House sleeping with his boss is not going to get her any brownie points, in my opinion.

All that being said, I am happily anticipating the start of the new season, whatever happens.

2 diagnoses:

Unknown said...

I'm excited and nervous about series five of House, too. I'm still a bit broken-hearted over the end of series four, so hopefully that won't make me too biased towards or against this new series of the show.

cutthroatpixie said...

House's Head/Wilson's Heart were two very heart breaking episodes, but I am thinking after the initial drama over Amber's death dies down, the show will settle into lighter story lines.